Table Talk: Carter Were
( 02.09.23 )

Table Talk: Carter Were

Green smoothie recipe
by Carter Were, chef and cookbook author

Folded in warmth and simplicity, we continually reach for Carter's approachable recipes written with nourishment in mind.


A Green Smoothie

"It’s summer here [in Australia] so I love to make a green smoothie for breakfast or lunch. This is my favourite one to make at home."

Serves 2

Banana frozen, 1
Mango frozen, 2 handfuls chopped
Kale, 4 large leaves
Parsley, 3 stalks
Mint, 10 leaves
Yoghurt, 1 tbsp
Hemp seeds, 1 tbsp
Greens powder, 1 tbsp
Water, 1 cup

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. You may need to add more water but do this in small amounts as I like my smoothies thick and not too watery. Serve and drink right away.


You can use coconut water or any type of milk instead of water if you prefer. I use a greens powder called 'Vital All In One' that has many vitamins, minerals and prebiotics. But any will work.

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