Table Talk: Dione Davis
( 03.28.24 )

Table Talk: Dione Davis

Film Recommendations
by Dione Davis, beauty and fashion editor at LOVE WANT


Meet New York-based Dione Davis — beauty and fashion editor at LOVE WANT. Recognized for her innovative approach to creative direction and styling, she effortlessly offers fresh perspectives, from her work to getting dressed. Today, she’s sharing three top picks from her films list.

"I would usually choose horror films or something Michael Haneke for my top films, but I feel like I want to share a few others that are part of my list of personal favorites." — Dione Davis


Night of the Hunter

A 1955 film noir by Charles Laughton with the most chilling storyline about a misogynistic serial killer who moves in with this boy's mother with the most gorgeous cinematography. There's an escape scene that's shot at night on a river where they immaculately light the nocturnal animals. Gorgeous stuff.


Paris Blues

Elegant, sexy, and fun romance with Paul Newman and Sidney Portier starring as expat jazz musicians in Paris who fall in love with two women on vacation. It's full of gorgeous clothing, music, and people. It is what I imagined going to Paris would be like, but I also was born in the wrong decade. I'm overdue for another whirlwind romance with a jazz musician, it's been years.



My origin story of dating bad boys starts with this movie, but it's something I'm unlearning. Winona Ryder's intrusive thoughts combined with the vibrant sets and over the top 80's preppy costumes make this dark comedy a personal favorite. The dialogue is incredible as well!

( 03.05.24 )

Table Talk: Gina Esposito

Table Talk: Gina Esposito

Picnic recipe
Gina Esposito, founder at Nu Swim, co-founder at Tangerine
