Meet Lily Yeung, a London-based designer of Navajo-Chinese heritage. Born into a family of designers, she has spent most of her life experimenting with garment making. With a deep love for fiber art and our planet, she crafts clothing and sculptural art using natural fibers. Drawing inspiration from the forms and patterns of her surroundings, her work seamlessly connects her world and her art. She is thrilled to share with us her top book recommendations on fiber art.

1. Sheila Hicks: Weaving as Metaphor by Joan Simon, Arthur Danto
Image: La Memoire, Sheila Hicks, IBM Headquarters, La Defense, Paris, France, 1972

2. Mirror of the Universe by Lenore Tawney
Image via lenoretawney.org

3. Art To Wear by Julie Schafler Dale
Image via vintage.es
Autumn - Winter 2024 Campaign

Model, Sarah Halpin